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Mrs Shobha Khakar

Principal Message

Learning is the best of all wealth. It is easy to carry. Thieves cannot steal it. Neither fire nor water can destroy it, and far from decreasing, it increases with giving”. Recapitulating, the last half of a decade, has given me immense pleasure in shouldering the responsibilities of an institution which believes that talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Rose Mary School has earned high reputation in Bhopal.Our school is providing congenial atmosphere and opportunities to student so that they can excel in their field of interest. Besides academic excellence and intellectual development, our school endeavors to help students discover their innate talents and abilities by offering a wide spectrum of activities which from an integral part of the school curriculum. The education is training of both head & heart. Intellectual education influences the head & value based education influences the heart. The education which trains the heart is most important and the one which does not do so can be most dangerous. In order to build character in our society, we need to achieve at least a minimum level of moral and ethical literacy. Education should essentially be able to build the fundamental character traits- like honesty, compassion, courage and responsibility. Therefore, besides being academically educated one needs to have more value education. Morally educated will certainly be a bit better equipped to move up in life or succeed than a morally bankrupt person with excellent academic qualification. Education of mind without morals creates a menace in society.

Vidya Bharti Hr. Sec. School


Dwarka Nagar Bhopal

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